Just Started A Business? Tips On Setting The Foundation For Success

Starting a business of your own is the number one career dream across the globe. It’s what all entrepreneurs want when they come up with an idea for a product or service: the chance to make a huge success out of a business empire of their own! But success doesn’t come easily, and most small businesses fail either within their first year or their first five years. 

It’s a hard road and many people struggle to set up a company on it. If you’re someone who has such an idea and you’re sure the world is going to love it, you’re going to need to know what it’ll take to generate success in the future! Which is something you can use this post for. 

If you want to open up your own business, we’ve got some tips for setting the foundation just right. So feel free to check out the points below for ideas on how to follow this process in a constructive way. 

Know What You’re Up Against

This is the first thing to set your feelers out for. If you know what you’re up against, in terms of commercial competition, you can much better plan out your business’ formation. You can see early on what you need to do differently, or more effectively, and how to bring that message to your customer base. It gives you a simple boost before you’ve even started operating as a business, and that’s an invaluable tool to have on your side. 

Get to know both the big and small names in your sector. What are the well known companies that’ll never have to worry about going out of business? How did they start out? What kind of journey did they go on, and would it be worth it to replicate this? Then think about your local area, and what kind of local competition you may have to contend with. The companies working either side of you will be more of a threat right now, and it’s worth it to dig into the details. 

Research Your Customers

Once you’ve researched the competition you may face, you’ll also need to research the customers you’re going to serve as well. Of course, this is a very normal part of forming a company – you can’t sell if you don’t know who you’re selling to! But many companies go about this wrong. It’s not just about knowing how big your potential pull could be, or what gaps in the market you’ve previously identified. 

It’s also about getting into your customer’s mind and thinking like they do. It’s why marketing personas come in so handy later on down the line, when you’ve got time to think about how your customers act, behave, and what they want out of life. For now you just need to know the general idea of why they would come to shop with you, and how you can generally address their needs from a company like yours. 

Refine Your Product

You’ve got an idea for a product, but do you know exactly what it looks like? Do you know how to bring it into the world in a useful state? It’s a hard process to get behind when you’re a new entrepreneur without many resources. But once you’ve formed your business and have an idea of the future written out in your business plan, you’ve got the chance to really make perfection out of any product drafts. 

This is where you should come up with various versions of your product and how it can be used. Known as prototyping, this is the part in the creation process that helps you pinpoint what makes your product special and roll with it. It’s about going back to the drawing board four or five times, and making sure you’ve ironed out all the kinks that may be both obvious and subtle. 

Without a product prototype, you won’t be able to discover these! So take your time in bringing your idea to the market. If need be, you can even send out early versions to select people to review, to get an idea of what your potential customers will think of the final product. 

Make Your Website Convenient to Use

If your website is convenient to use, you can give your customers a good first impression without really putting much effort in. That can save you a lot of time and money during this early stage of your company’s development. And seeing as this is a digital age we live in, it’s best to focus on your website and your overall online presence to make some easy impressions here. 

After all, you can start your own website from scratch in just 10 minutes these days. Sure, in a few months time you can have a website professionally built for you, but spending $30 a month on a domain name and hosting is a cost effective way to get started. Because once you’ve got a site to visit, you can turn it into a magical online portal anyone would be happy to shop through. 

You do this by including the most popular features this shopping generation is looking for. For example, an online chat feature for comment and complaint. You can set up the Best website chat tool you can find, use a robo-advisor to funnel people the right way, and then deal with their messages in your own time. What could be easier on both sides? 

Set Up on Social Media

Social media is your number one platform for connecting with your customers. This is where you can market directly to them on websites they truly understand how to use. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn etc., are all great places to start posting your own content and getting some hype around your business name and logo. 

Of course, you’ll need to be careful about what you post, as not all content works the same on all platforms. You may find it hard to post an image-laden message on Twitter, for example, but Instagram is designed for this very purpose. So make one post and tweak it for each platform, and then use a calendar to ensure you’ve got something going out on a regular basis. 

Make a Plan to Scale

Scaling is something you’ll want to do one day, so plan it into the schedule right now. You’re going to get bigger as time goes on, just as a natural point, and it’s best to understand how that comes with changes. 

Take your office space as a quick example. You may one day outgrow the very walls you’ve set up in. What can you do about that? Many things, as long as you’re aware of them in advance! 

You need to know where you can go, what you can do, and how you can use the digital world to take the pressure off. Taking customer data digital would certainly free up those filing cabinets! 

Be Selective with Who You Hire

Hiring for your company is a big step in the direction towards success, so you’ll need to be very picky when pulling from the talent market. The right people are out there, and while it may take time to find them, you shouldn’t fall at the first hurdle. 

While some of the first candidate applications you receive can be great, it’s always better to get an idea of what the market has to offer as a whole. Don’t make people wait too long to hear back from you, but never just accept the first person to come in for an interview. Know what talent you want, go with your gut, and always have an idea of what people you work best with. 

Be Active in Your Sector

Finally, make sure you’re getting your name out there in a physical way. Being active in your sector means attending business events, such as conferences and trade shows, and accepting invites to online sessions filled with fellow business leaders. The more you show your face, the more people will get to know you! 

We all know it can be intimidating to play in the same field as people who seem more established than you, but everyone was in your position once. Getting your face and name out there simply proves you’re here to be serious, and to achieve the same heights they are. Remember: it’s never a bad thing to make some noise for a small business like yours.  

If you’re on the road to starting a business, this is your chance to really get it right. Take your time doing research and making your decisions; you’ll need a good plan ahead of you to ensure there’s success in your future! But even in making this kind of plan, don’t be afraid to change your mind and go back on yourself. It’s better to consider every angle than just go with one, especially when you’re new to your sector and have a name to make for yourself. 
