5 Smart Ways To Make More Money During The Pandemic

Lots of people are having a rough year. Many have had to take a pay cut, fewer hours, and some have even lost their jobs. When you have responsibilities, such as a house to run and a family to look after, this can be disastrous. Many feel like their world is ending and don’t know what to do to stop it. If you want to continue making money during the pandemic, it might be tough, but it’s not impossible. Here are 5 smart ways you can make more money during this pandemic:

1. Have A Clear Out

Start by having a clear out – one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. You might not make much from your old junk, but if it’s just laying around anyway, you may as well sell it on and get it out of the way. You could sell on eBay, but there are many other online selling sites you could explore. Whether you find old clothes, phones, records, or something else, having a clear out could earn you some more money and free up plenty of space. 

2. Invest In Yourself

Don’t forget to invest in yourself. If you’ve got time off, invest in a course or a workshop – something you can learn to expand your skills. This might be a bad time for everyone, but you can feel accomplished by learning something new and becoming more employable. This will help you when the time comes to go back to work. 

3. Invest Wisely

As well as investing in yourself, you can look at investing wisely in other avenues. Looking at sites like swyftx.com.au will give you an idea of how to invest in cryptocurrency, but you can look at things like property, shares, and stocks, too. 

4. Look At Remote Job Opportunities

There may be remote job opportunities out there if you’re willing to work from home – although you’ll need to think about this carefully if you have been furloughed, as you won’t be able to receive your furlough pay. You could design graphics, such as logos, write content, create your own content – there’s an abundance of things you can make and do at home. More and more companies are looking for remote workers. Just make sure you do a bit of background research on that company first to ensure you’re actually going to get paid and treated fairly. 

5. Start A Business

If you’re out of ideas, this could be the right time for you to start your own business. It’s a giant leap, but if you’ve had an idea for a while and just never any time to go with it, now could be the perfect opportunity. Perhaps you could use your skills and talents to make jewellery, reupholster furniture, clean windows, pave driveways, or do something else. Think carefully about your own skills and talents and see if there’s anything you feel passionate enough about to start. 

How are you planning on making more money during the pandemic? Leave a comment. 
