How to Nail Down a Sporty Casual Style

Nailing down a particular style that you’re not really used to can be tough. If you want to adopt a sporty casual style for the summer or any time of the year for that matter, we’ve got some tips and advice that’ll help you to get it right. And no, you don’t need to be a sports fan to comfortably rock this style.

Each of the tips we’re about to discuss will help you to pull off a casual outfit with a sporty edge to it. It could be just what you’re looking for so read on now to find out more.

Wear a Casual Parka on Colder Days

For days when it’s a little cold and you want to make sure you’re dressed appropriately, the ideal coat for you will be a parka. It works wonderfully with a sporty casual style. You should spend some time finding the right one for you because you’ll be sure to get plenty of use out of it in winter months. It’s a coat that works with most outfits too.

Combine Comfort and Style with a Great Pair of Track Pants

The great thing about track pants is that they can look great while also offering the very best in terms of comfort. You should most definitely invest in a pair of track pants if you’re yet to do so. You’ll be able to wear them in any casual setting and they can be extremely fashionable when used as part of the right outfit. They often get overlooked but they can work wonders.

Find the Right Pair of Sneakers

Finding the right pair of sneakers for you is one of the most important things you should do if you want to truly nail down this sporty casual style. Places like SVD stock a range of versatile sneakers, including the popular Veja brand. However, it’s up to you to weigh up the options and to find the footwear solution that’s going to complete your look. But don’t underestimate how important this particular part of your outfit will be.

Make Use of Well Fitting Shorts

A nice pair of shorts that fit well and offer comfort should be a core part of your approach to casual and sporty style. There are so many things you can do with shorts, from pairing them with a crop top, combining them with a tucked in flannel shirt or wearing them with a sports jersey of some sort. There are all kinds of ways to make cropped shorts work well for you.

Add Some Color and Summer Vibes with a Cap

Adding some color to your outfit might be a priority, especially during the summer months when you might want to do something a little different with your style. The right cap can really deliver on that, as well as bringing the general summer vibes. It’s the number one staple accessory that you need to have when crafting your own sporty casual style. Create a small collection of them and then you’ll have the right one for any occasion.

Make a Statement with Graphic Tees

Making a statement and adding something to your outfit might be something that you sometimes see as appealing or important. There are not always lots of ways of doing this with a sporty aesthetic, but one way is to make use of a great graphic tee. If you can do that while pairing it with some casual track pants and sneakers, it can bring the outfit together and allow you to add some visual flair to an otherwise simple and laid back outfit.

Try an Overalls and Sneakers Outfit

This is an outfit idea that anyone can try out and it really does work incredibly well. All you need is a pair of fashionable overalls. Obviously, we’re not talking about the kind a mechanic might wear to work. There are denim options or all kinds of options out there. And then pair these with the right pair of sneakers and you’ll look the part. It’s a casual, comfortable and laid back sporty outfit that you can look great in while doing just about anything in a social/casual setting.

If you want to get your approach to sporty casual fashion nailed down, the guide above should allow you to make that happen. Most importantly, don’t forget to experiment and try new things because that’s what makes fashion so fun. There are no right or wrong answers so have fun with it.

Credit to free-to-use photo by grailify via Pixabay CC0 License
