Why You Need To Keep Marketing During COVID 19

As coronavirus has flipped our lives upside down, it has had to flip the way we do business and the way we market our business upside down too. Through this pandemic, it is hugely important to stay connected with your customers or clients, even if your business is closed right now. Who knows what will happen when we come out the other side, your business may have to change significantly, but either way, if you want to stay afloat, then you will need your customers. 

Your Customers Need You

Your customers’ lives have changed massively, and it’s important that they know that you are there for them. Whether you are a restaurant and are now offering a delivery service or a hairdresser who can’t open just yet, show your customers that ‘we’re all in this together’ by having an online presence or sending out little gifts or note cards telling your customers that you miss them or are there for them will mean a lot. Stay top of mind with branded pens; it is these little touches that make all the difference and will be what keeps your customers coming back to you when we come out on the other side. 

People Need To Be Informed

As mentioned, it is important to communicate in response to the crisis, and as well as reaching out to your customers, you should let your customers and clients know what you’re doing. For example, you should communicate about the proactive measures you’re taking, whether its store closures or policy updates related to COVID-19. These messages do add value to customer relationships because they are informative. You can even just keep people updated on social media about how you are still working from home. Show the fun side of the business and just make sure that people know what services you can offer and how you can help them. Keep them informed every step of the way.  

Show How Your Brand Can Help

Your company exists in the first place to provide value, and if your products and services can help during this stressful time, then you need to let people know so that they can benefit from them. It might be that you can’t help directly, but what you do supports or enhances people’s lives during quarantine; if so, then use this. Whatever it may be, your company can still provide value to people. Think about how you can educate, entertain, or inspire people who are stuck at home all day. Can you provide online lessons, funny videos, interviews with your staff, or helpful blog posts

There are many ways you can continue to show your customers that you are there and that you care, and with more time on your hands, it is the perfect time to look at your marketing and see where you can improve normally. Marketing has never been so important, and as long as you keep the focus on helping people, your marketing can continue, it might just have to change a little. 

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