Have You Been Breathing In Toxic Air?

Many of us breathe in toxins on a daily basis without realizing. Some of these toxins could be causing long-term damage, potentially leading to respiratory problems and even death. Below are some of the biggest dangers to look out for and what you can do to protect yourself.


Radon is an invisible, odorless gas that seeps up through the earth. Long-term exposure has been known to lead to lung cancer.

Some areas of the world are more prone to radon. If you live in an area with high radon levels, you may want to look into buying a radon test kit. Radon often enters homes through weak or damaged foundations – by sealing up your foundations, you may be able to prevent radon from getting into your home. Keeping your home ventilated could also help by allowing radon to escape.


Mold is a fungus that likes to grow in warm and damp conditions. On top of looking unsightly, it can be a health hazard – spores can be released into the air which when breathed in could put you at risk of developing asthma or legionnaires disease.

Many of us have mold growing on the walls of our homes. While it is often easy to scrub away with a cloth, you should try to eliminate the source of the mold in order to stop it from returning. Keeping your home ventilated, letting in the sunlight, removing sources of damp and buying a dehumidifier could all potentially prevent mold growth.


Asbestos is a silicate mineral material used in industries such as manufacturing and once widely used in construction. Working with asbestos can be dangerous as fibers can be released into the air and breathed in, which has been directly linked to a cancer known as mesothelioma.

Protective equipment should always be worn when working with asbestos. There are folks who specialize in asbestos litigation that can help you gain compensation if you’ve been exposed to asbestos without being supplied adequate protective equipment by an employer. Some homes may also contain asbestos in the walls. If so, you should be careful when doing DIY as to not disturb it and release fibers into the air – hiring an asbestos removal company could be worthwhile.


VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are chemicals known to be released by a number of household products ranging from cleaning chemicals to paints. Regular exposure to VOCs can cause symptoms ranging from dizziness to headaches. Many VOCs are also thought to be carcinogenic.

You can protect yourself from VOCs by being careful of the products you buy. Many low and no VOC alternatives exist on the market. Wearing protective equipment when working in certain industries could also be important.

Carbon Monoxide

The most deadly toxin to be wary of is carbon monoxide. This colorless and odorless gas can kill people in a matter of minutes.A gas leak is the most common cause of carbon monoxide poisoning. If you have a carbon monoxide detector fitted in your home, it should be able to warn you of when you have a leak. Headaches, nausea or dizziness could be symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning to look out for.

Credit: Free-To-Use Image by Magnascan from Pixabay (CCO Licensed)



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