Which Lawyer Is Right For You?

Did you know how many different types of lawyers there are? Do you know when you might need one and what you may need one for? Would you know where to go and who to turn to? Would you worry that you’re overreacting and that you could actually sort out whatever difficulties you’re in yourself? There are some things you may need a lawyer for that you didn’t even realize and equally things that you think you need a lawyer for, and you actually don’t. So, let’s break it down and save you some time and money by knowing when to seek out legal help and who to go to.

It will come as no surprise that you will find a lawyer very useful if you encounter any tax problems or inheritance tax issues if you are selling or buying a business or a property if you are involved in an accident that results in death or personal injury when it comes to estate planning and wills, divorce and child custody, starting a business if you get arrested, are at risk of being deported if you are a victim of discrimination or harassment if you have any immigration visas or status problems or experience damage to personal property.

If any of these apply to you, then you do, definitely, need a lawyer, and you’ll need to try and identify the type of lawyer you need. Start off by finding a lawyer who practices in the area of law that you need. For example, if you are getting a divorce and you have children and need to sort out custody, then you will need to go and see a family lawyer and someone who has experience in fighting custody battles and rights to assets. Alternatively, if you are at risk of being deported, then seek out a deportation lawyer, or if you have been arrested for burglary, then you need to speak to a criminal lawyer.

Then there are also times when it’s not necessary to speak to a lawyer, and to do so would just be wasting your time and the lawyer’s time too. For example, if you find yourself in a car accident and both you and the other party are insured, and no bodily injury has occurred, someone might go running to a lawyer out of fear that the other person will fake an injury and sue. Yet any lawyer would tell this person that until an accusation has been made, there is no point in talking to a lawyer. 

If you need to speak to a professional and need someone to be there to oversee a conversation, then this is when you might need mediation. For example, when relationships are strained, arrangements need to be made, it’s a good idea to use a neutral party to guide everyone in clear communication. A mediator is not a lawyer, and they won’t represent you in court. However, they will help you have peace of mind throughout the process and get the best deal and try to help everyone come to an agreement they are happy with.

If you’re unsure about what you need when doing a quick google search, can’t do any harm and should hopefully be able to point you in the right direction.

Credit to free-to-use image by espartgraphic from Pixabay 



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