Guide To Whiplash

Whiplash happens when the neck is forced forward and back in a rapid movement. The injury impacts the neck predominately but it is not uncommon for people to experience symptoms elsewhere too. This incident tends to happen in car accidents. However, it can also occur if you have experienced physical abuse, been involved in a sports accident, or any other type of trauma.

What are whiplash symptoms?

  • Dizziness 
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms
  • Pain or tenderness in the arms, upper back, or shoulder
  • Headaches
  • Loss of range of motion in the neck
  • Worsening of pain when the neck moves
  • Neck stiffness and pain

Are you considering the prospect of making a personal injury claim for a whiplash injury with lawyers who serve victims of car accidents in the United States? If so, read on to discover some pivotal facts you must be aware of before making your claim…

There is a time limit

Did you know that there is a time limit on most personal injury cases? If you have sustained a whiplash injury in the United States, you will have three years to make your claim. Therefore, if the accident occurred on November 14th, 2016, you will only have until November 14th of this year to make a claim. it is pivotal to note that court proceedings must have occurred by then, and thus you should never leave making a claim late.

You must get medical attention

A lot of people who experience a whiplash injury in the United States fail to get medical attention, as they would rather cope with the symptoms themselves. This is because a lot of whiplash injuries are thankfully minor. Nonetheless, if you do not see a medical professional you will struggle to get compensation, as there will be no proof that you even sustained an injury, to begin with.

Most cases are settled outside of the courtroom

A lot of people avoid making a personal injury claim, as they are worried about the hassle of having to experience a trial. But, did you actually know that less than three percent of cases result in a trial? Thus, it is unlikely that this is something you will need to be concerned about.

You are not only compensated for your suffering

Last but not least, you will not only be compensated for the injuries you have suffered if you win your compensation case, but you will also be compensated for out of pocket expenses too. This relates to any costs you have experienced because of your whiplash injury. Therefore, if you have been left unable to work, you may be able to claim for loss of earnings.

Main reasons for an unsuccessful whiplash injury claim in the United States

We will take a look at some of the main reasons why people fail to get compensation or at least the full amount they deserve when making a whiplash injury claim in the United States…

Failure to get medical attention

This is undoubtedly the main reason why so many people all over the US miss out on compensation, especially when it comes to whiplash cases. Fortunately, in most instances, whiplash is not a severe injury. Individuals can often fully recover from a whiplash injury within a matter of weeks. Because of this, a lot of people skip the step of going to a doctor, as they believe they can simply cope with the symptoms themselves. Whilst this may be the case, you will completely ruin your chances of getting compensation, as there will be no proof that you have suffered an injury at all.

Waiting too long before making a claim

A lot of individuals are unaware that there is a time limit when it comes to making a personal injury claim. You have three years from the date of the accident. If you wait longer than this you will really struggle to get the compensation you are entitled to. So, don’t wait around!

Lack of proper diagnosis documentation and proof of expenses

Last but not least, if you are to receive full compensation for your whiplash injury claim in the United States you not only need proof of your injuries, but you need proof of all your out of pocket expenses. Without this, there is no way you will receive the full amount you could be entitled to.

Credit for free image: Netto Figueiredo from Pixabay



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