3 Things You Need To Know About Your Smartphone Addiction

At the outset of this article, let us say this.

We are only assuming you have a smartphone addiction; we aren’t stalking you or tracking your phone, we promise! But here’s the thing. According to the following linked article, smartphone addiction is now a real thing, and chances are you might have a problem with your phone too!

Ask yourself these questions.

Do you get anxious when you don’t have your phone to hand?

Do you religiously check your phone last thing at night and first thing in the morning?

Do you spend more time looking at your phone than the scenery outside when you’re away from home?

Are you reading this article on your phone now?

And if you answered ‘yes’ to that last question, ask yourself how long you’ve been on your phone today. Five minutes here and there is okay. But if your phone has barely left your hand at all, then you might want to reflect on your life a little.

So, are you addicted to your smartphone? Or, as to give it its proper name, do you have nomophobia? There is more info in the previously linked article, so have a read if you would like to find out more on the subject.

If you do have a smartphone addiction, or if you are on the rocky road towards this problem, you need to be aware of some of the consequences that might befall your life. We will be taking a look at some of them in this article, so while we wouldn’t tell you to stop using your phone, you might find an incentive to stop being so reliant on the device that, for all we know, you might be glued to at the moment!

These are the things you need to know about your smartphone addiction.

1. You might have to face the financial consequences

For starters, if you’re somebody who just has to have the latest smartphone in their hands, you are going to pay the price. The newer the phone is, the more expensive the contract, so let’s hope you have a job to help you keep up with your payment plan! You might end up in debt if you don’t, and that will reduce your chances of getting another phone down the line because of a drop in your credit score. Secondly, if you’re on a pay-as-you-go deal instead of a contract, or if you have a limited data plan, then you are going to pay a fortune on top-ups and data packs if you overuse your phone too. That will severely limit your spending power in other areas of your life.

Our advice is this. Wait a few months before picking up the latest phone, or don’t buy the newest models at all. If your phone already provides you with what you need, is it worth buying the latest phone on the market for the sake of a few more pixels on the camera, or for any features that don’t really benefit your life? Sure, you will have the street cred that comes with having the latest wonder in the palm of your hand, but is it worth bankrupting yourself over? We think not! To save money, you might also want to choose a sim-only plan instead of a traditional contract, as these often make better financial sense. As an example, Smarty offers a fixed price deal, as well as an unlimited plan with no credit check and unlimited data, texts, and calls. While this might not curb your addiction, it will ensure you don’t fall foul financially. Make the switch or shop around for similar deals, and then think twice before buying a new model phone.

2. You will probably have trouble sleeping

As we discussed in this article, the blue light emitting from your phone can play havoc with your sleep-wake cycle, meaning not only will you struggle to drift off to sleep of a night time, but even  when you do fall asleep, you are more likely to wake up during the night. Not only that but if you also sleep with your phone next to you on your pillow (another sign of phone addiction), you are likely to be woken up by app notifications etc. as your phone continues to run throughout the night. A lack of sleep has consequences on your life. You will be less energised throughout the day, meaning you will struggle to function at home and at work. And there may also be long-term consequences on your health, including the risks of depression, heart disease, and a weakened immune system. And when it comes to your health, of course, you are also more likely to get into an accident because of your tiredness and reduced concentration span, and that could prove fatal, especially when out on the roads.

Our advice is this. Limit the time you spend on your phone before going to bed. Do something else with your time, such as reading a book or a magazine, as you will then have a better chance of a good night’s sleep. And while you might need your phone for the alarm, you can still mute it from any other sounds that could keep you awake. Lay it down beyond arm’s reach so you aren’t tempted to look at it during the night, and then settle down for the night. You will feel more refreshed in the morning, and that will set you up for a productive (and healthier) day in all aspects of your life.

3. You might sabotage your relationships

Have you ever been in the company of somebody who has spent more time looking at their phone than talking to you? Have you ever been with somebody who, on the sound of a text or social media notification, stopped talking to you because they have impulsively checked the messages on their phone? If so, you will appreciate how annoying this can be. Think how annoying it is for others when you do the same! The less time you spend communicating with others face to face; the more those relationships will weaken. And this also applies if you spend more time talking to people on social media than you do in the real world. Sure, it’s perfectly acceptable to text, WhatsApp, or Facebook others occasionally, but this should not be the norm for your social interactions. Relationships are deepened through quality time in the company of others, and not through the emojis and typeface on your phone.

Our advice is this. Use your phone to arrange a get together with your mates, instead of using it for the bulk of your conversations. And when you’re out with them, turn your phone off so you aren’t distracted by it. Make it a rule with your friends that they do the same. You should then have a better time together, making lasting memories because you have all done something other than looking down at your phones for the duration of the evening. Apply this rule to time spent with your family and your partner too. Enjoy each other’s company and bond together, instead of growing distant from them because you are too fixated on your phone.


Here’s the good news if you do have a smartphone addiction. There are now rehab centres and treatment programmes open to anybody who has a problem. You might want to speak to your doctor then if you know you have an issue in this area. And with or without intervention, you should also curb your addiction by spending less time with your phone. We have discussed some of the consequences of overusing your phone here, so let them be an incentive to you. You see, for a better life, it pays to be smart with the way you use your smartphone!

Take care, and thanks for reading!

Credit to Free Images: Photo 1



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