Who Will Run Against Trump In 2020?

For many, the thought of Pres. Trump winning another term is appalling. And yet for others, the thought of a Democrat entering the White House is equally unappealing. However, the fight to the White House in 2020 is being seen as one of the most critical elections in American history. This is where ideals will be presented and judged by the electorate. Pres. Donald Trump, love him or loathe him, has made good on many of his election promises. However, his first term has not been without controversy.

Many people claim that there needs to be a change in the political system and have begun to distribute resources for voter reform. However, until this happens, we are left with a two party system. So who are the runners and riders that may present a challenge to the incumbent president?

Bernie Sanders

He is certainly an old hand at throwing himself into the democratic ring. Bernie Sanders is seen by many as the perfect antithesis for Donald Trump. Both are men in their seventies but with wildly opposing views. Sanders lost out on the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton in 2016, but with her looking unlikely to run again, Sanders may seem like the perfect choice. However, his views are deemed extremely liberal and unpalatable by many. He’s also seen as a has been in some quarters, with many preferring fresh blood to take on Donald Trump.

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is one of many female potential nominees who are throwing their metaphorical hats into the ring. Perhaps better known for the debate regarding her Native American ancestry, she has been on the receiving end of some pretty scathing words from Donald Trump who has called her Pocahontas on more than one occasion. However, Warren has a history of tackling controversies and trying to regulate big business and Wall Street, which to the younger voter, may be seen as challenging the establishment head on. She’s experienced but can be a little unpredictable when interviewed. But so is Trump.

Kamala Harris

Another female to put themselves forward is Kamala Harris. The California senator has garnered more of a following outside of the United States on Twitter for her left leaning liberal views. However, she is seen as more progressive and closer to the center than other candidates. This may sit well with American voters. As a renowned prosecutor, her skills were on display in 2016 when she interrogated Jeff Sessions about Russian collusion in the presidential election. She was seen as strong, unflappable and a safe pair of hands. As the first Indian-American senator, she would make history again if she were elected to the White House in 2020.

Tulsi Gabbard

A wildcard to say the least, Tulsi Gabbard is dogged by controversy. She may want to run for the Democrats but she’ll struggle to garner much support. Her anti LGBT+ views were made apparent early on in her political career and she has met many Syrian officials including Bashar al-Assad. During a recent CNN Town Hall interview with Dana Bash, Gabbard believed her past comments on Assad had been misunderstood.

So, who will triumph in 2020? Make your vote count.

Image credit: Free image from pxhere



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