Tools & Tips To Build A Modern Hero

For young girls and boys all over the world, the idea of being a superhero is an intoxicating one. Spending you days saving lives, receiving praise, and making the world a better place, this sort of dream is very grand, and no one really manages to achieve it. Instead, you soon realize that you can’t fly or take a bullet, limiting your potential as someone super. Of course, though, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be a plain and simple hero, as there are loads of ways to positively impact the lives of those around you. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the best ways to set yourself to start saving people’s bacon.

A Witness

With all of the tech which can be found in the modern world, you don’t even have to see something happen to have witnessed it. Camera technology has reached a sweet spot over the last few years. You can get devices like this which are both cheap and small enough to be used as dashboard cameras, and they can be set to be recording all the time. In some places, you can even find wearable options which are like this, while also being much more discreet that people will expect. How exactly could a tool like this make you into a hero, though?

Even in countries with excellent legal systems, it’s impossible for courts to be right in every instance without the right kind of evidence. You video footage could be the difference between someone going to prison for a crime they didn’t commit and walking free, as this deserves some serious hero status. Of course, this is just a single example, and there are loads of reasons to take on this sort of mantel when you can afford to. This sort of tool is often proving to be more powerful than CCTV and other traditional options.

A Relief

Being a hero simply means being there for someone when they can’t get by without you. In life, there will be loads of instances which call for your help, ranging from helping an elderly person to cross the road to waiting with a lost child until their parents find them. Of course, everyone likes to think that they would do the right thing in a situation like this. Without the right level of confidence, though, it will be impossible to know whether or not you will step up. To help with this, it could be worth working on some confidence exercises, as this could give you the power to help people like never before.

A Chef

Despite being a place which has struggled with obesity throughout history, it’s estimated that around 1 in 6 people in the US face hunger. Whether this is because they are on the street, don’t earn enough, or have other circumstances making their life hard, those in this situation are often in dire need of support. When you’re unable to eat enough, it will be hard to hold down a solid job. Likewise, for some, it could also make them sick, hurting their chances at employment in the future. Food can have a very big impact on people’s lives.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to make a difference in this area, and feeding even a single person is a great achievement. Of course, if you’re going to take action, it will be worth going as far as you can, and this might mean having to learn some skills. Most people enjoy cooking once they get started with it. With the motivation to help people there, though, you probably won’t need to find this fun to get something out of it. Instead, you will feel happy knowing that you’ve made a difference, even if you’ve simply made some food and handed it out to those who need it.

A Life-Saver

Preparing yourself for the very worst situations is a very good way to prepare yourself to be a hero. Accidents happen all the time, and a lot of modern cities are starting to feel less safe, making it hard for medical services to reach everyone who needs them. Having someone at the scene with the skills to provide first aid right away can often be the difference between life and death, though. To help you to develop some skills like this, you can find some examples of the common problems you might have to face.

  • Breathing: Breathing is one of the only bodily functions which you truly can’t live without, along with things like your heart beat. Getting yourself a CPR certification could be all you need to save someone who isn’t breathing. A course like this will be very short, cheap, and easy to get involved with, while also having a big place in the modern world. This makes it the perfect place to get started.
  • Bleeding: Learning how to look after a bleeding wound can be a complicated process. When someone is losing blood, though, they need to have it attended to as quickly as possible, and having the right skills for this can be very powerful. There are loads of different methods available to help with this, with plenty of YouTube videos to teach you how to use them. Along with this, you could also think about taking another course to learn the methods you’ll need.
  • Shock: Right after an accident, most people will find themselves in a state of shock for at least a little bit of time after an accident. To help them with this, it will be worth putting some time into talking to them, ensuring that they remain conscious and keeping making sense. It should become fairly clear as to how much you can do for someone as you talk to them, and you should always look for proper help before too long.

A Sweet Talker

At some point in life, most people have to struggle through troubles, and things can often take their toll on people. When this reaches its peak, it can often amalgamate in very dark ways. For example, if were to find someone threatening to jump from your apartment building, you will probably feel fairly helpless. If you’re able to communicate with the person on the edge, though, you might be able to make a difference. This isn’t something which should ever be taken lightly, especially when you don’t understand the history behind the situation.

Instead, if you want to set yourself up for this sort of support, you’ll need to do some learning. When people are in a fragile state of mind, it can be impossible to predict what they might do, and this has to be considered deeply. To help you with it, there are a surprising amount of short courses out there which are designed to teach you this sort of negotiation. Usually being designed for hotline operators, this can give you an expert insight into the troubled mind, while also giving you the power to save someone’s life.

A Resource

Not all of the heroic deeds which you can commit will involve having a huge impact on someone’s life. In fact, in a lot of cases, the smallest efforts can make the biggest difference when you’re helping people. If you have an area of expertise, for example, sharing your knowledge on blogs and forums could be a great way to use it for the better. This could give someone the power they need to complete their degree, get a job, or even start their own business, changing their life in a massive way, all at the meager cost of your spare time.

A Shield

Finally, as the last area to consider, you have a lot more power to solve situations than you are likely to give yourself credit for. Being a shield for those in need will always take an ounce or two of bravery. Once you’ve been able to develop this, though, you will have the chance to make yourself into a shield for those who aren’t as strong. For example, if you saw a child being bullied, standing in the way of those causing the torment could stop it in its tracks. This can be a lot more serious, though, and there are loads of historical examples of people throwing themselves into harm’s way to help others. This is the act of a true hero.

While you won’t be wearing a cape or flying around, preparing yourself to be able to help those in need is a great ambition to have. Modern heroes come in loads of shapes and sizes, from those who help their community, to people who are willing to put themselves at risk to help others. You can aim to fill any of these roles, and you’ll be doing a lot more than most in this part of life. Of course, though, only you can decide how far this should be taken, and you will have to work hard if you want to make a big difference.

Free Photo Credits:
Photo by Mike Wilson on Unsplash


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