The Future Of Medicine

It’s fair to say that the future of medicine is pretty uncertain. Some would say that we’re only ever moving forwards, some would say that we’re taking a few steps backwards. If you think of things in terms of the antibiotic era, we really are going back a few steps. So much so, that we risk plunging ourselves back into the dark age of medicine. Without antibiotics, even the simplest of procedures wouldn’t be able to take place. But on the other hand, you’ve got new operations being made possible every day, and new treatments for diseases and illnesses being discovered as the years go on. But with all this in mind, what do you think the future of medicine holds? Well, we’re going to explore some of that today for you, so have a read on to find out more!

Medicinal Cannabis

With the UK being the latest country to review its medicinal cannabis laws, we feel it right that we discuss the purposes of exploring this avenue. Cannabis as a medicinal aid has been used for hundreds of years, and it does have many properties that will reduce, or even cure the symptoms of certain illnesses. Most commonly, the role it plays in epilepsy, and seriously reducing the chances of a seizure. The sooner the medical world opens it arms the medicinal cannabis, the sooner patients lives are going to be changed. There are many ways that it can be administered from home. From eating it, taking it through a bong, or just smoking it. If this is something you would like to explore, you can find the best glass bong online, as it is probably the most pure way to take it. However, you should always be doing this under the guidance of a medical professional. Whilst some in countries such as the UK can’t administer it, they can give their expert advice as to what they think you should do.

Robotics Vs Humans

Robotics are dominating a lot of areas. If we think about car manufacturing as an example, robotics are tasked with the most intricate of details. However, when thinking about surgery, humans are very much leading the race. But that’s not to say that without the advancements in robotics, we wouldn’t be able to perform some of the surgeries we can today, such as on the heart and the brain. There are some surgeries that require such careful work, that the human hand just isn’t capable of it. But we think it’s something special that robotics are helping us perform some surgeries that we just didn’t think would be possible.

New Discoveries

One new discovery that we think is pretty cool, is the fact that synthetic blood can now be used as a replacement to human blood… in a way. The aim being that red blood cells will be produced in the body to fight certain illnesses and diseases. Whilst this is still in the very early stages, it’s interesting to see the body parts that medical professionals are now trying to replace, the preserve the human race.

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