Top 20 Engineering and Computer Science Journals Via Google Scholar

Here is the top 20 Engineering and Computer Science journals according to the 2016 Google Scholar index rankings.

See other specific peer-reviewed journal categories here.

Publication h5-index h5-median
1. Advanced Materials 201 301
2. Nano Letters 192 270
3. Energy & Environmental Science 184 254
4. ACS Nano 180 243
5. Nature Materials 171 285
6. Nature Nanotechnology 154 244
7. Journal of Materials Chemistry 141 176
8. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 140 214
9. Nature Photonics 138 231
10. Advanced Functional Materials 125 183
11. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 124 175
12. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 157
13. Nanoscale 120 171
14. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 114 200
15. Chemistry of Materials 113 160
16. Bioresource Technology 113 146
17. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 111 176
18. Journal of Power Sources 107 144
19. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 107 135
20. Advanced Energy Materials 106 158


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