Top 20 Business, Economics and Management Journals Via Google Scholar

Here is the top 20 Business, Economics and Management journals according to the 2016 Google Scholar index rankings.

See other specific peer-reviewed journal categories here.

Publication h5-index h5-median
1. NBER Working Papers 165 228
2. The American Economic Review 137 218
3. Journal of Financial Economics 121 171
4. The Journal of Finance 108 176
5. Review of Financial Studies 103 161
6. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 93 167
7. Journal of Management 79 120
8. Tourism Management 79 109
9. Journal of Business Ethics 78 104
10. Management Science 78 100
11. Academy of Management Journal 77 125
12. International Journal of Production Economics 76 96
13. Management Information Systems Quarterly 75 134
14. Econometrica 74 128
15. The Journal of Economic Perspectives 73 128
16. Review of Economics and Statistics 72 119
17. World Development 72 104
18. Journal of Business Research 72 95
19. Strategic Management Journal 71 104
20. Journal of Banking & Finance 71 96

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