Does Facebook Allow Post-Mastectomy Photos?

After all the criticism for removing post-mastectomy photos of breast cancer survivors, Facebook has changed its policy and announced that it will now allow post-mastectomy photos on the social media. A petition had gathered more than 21,000 signatures since the controversy started in May. The petition, started by Scorchy Barrington who has breast cancer, asked Facebook to update its policy after photographer David Jay was banned for 30 days for posting post-mastectomy photos on his page, The SCAR Project.

Here it the complete statement from Facebook:
Does Facebook allow post-mastectomy photos?

Yes. We agree that undergoing a mastectomy is a life-changing experience and that sharing photos can help raise awareness about breast cancer and support the men and women facing a diagnosis, undergoing treatment, or living with the scars of cancer. The vast majority of these kinds of photos are compliant with our policies.

However, photos with fully exposed breasts, particularly if they’re unaffected by surgery, do violate Facebook’s Terms. These policies are based on the same standards which apply to television and print media, and that govern sites with a significant number of young people.



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