Firestick Plant Picture – Rick Warren Blinded by Firestick Plant Poinson

The famous pastor Rick Warren is reported to have been temporarily blinded by the sap of a Firestick Plant. The Saddleback Church pastor tweeted early Thursday morning “”My eyes were severely burned by a toxic poison. Hospitalized Mon. Excruciating pain. Now home. Pray my sight loss is restored.”

At 10:20 a.m. Warren tweeted “A doctor put protective contacts on my corneas as bandages during the healing. I am NOT blind. Thank you.”

According to Saddleback officials, Warren was gardening on Monday and cutting branches off of two firestick plants when he took off his gardening gloves to wipe his forehead.

“Apparently some of the milky poisonous sap from the plants had penetrated his gloves and made contact with his hands,” said Saddleback spokeswoman Kristin Cole. “He wiped over his eyes.”

Instantly after wiping his eyes, Warren, 56, dropped to the ground. His wife, Kay Warren, saw the pastor on the ground with his hands near his face. She ran to his side, cell phone in hand, and called 911.



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