The Hunchback of Notre Dame on TCM

Watch the classic The Hunchback of Notre Dame movie on TCM tonight. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939) was RKO Studio’s last release of the 1930s. It was also one of the studio’s biggest and best films of 1939, the studio’s most successful year ever. A sensitive adaptation of Victor Hugo’s epic novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame told the story of a deformed bell-ringer’s love for a beautiful gypsy woman amidst the turmoil in France under King Louis XI. The film, made brilliant by massive production design, Alfred Newman’s rousing score, beautiful camerawork, and performances to match, was a spectacular hit at the box office, despite being released the same year as Gone With the Wind(1939). The film’s biggest asset, Charles Laughton’s performance as Quasimodo, still stands today as the most moving interpretation of Hugo’s tragic hero.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Saturday, May 22,2010 8:00 PM


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  1. Prof H W Roos


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