Saltwater Crocodile Kills Student Lauren Failla

It is so sad that American Lauren Failla, 25, was killed by a saltwater crocodile while snorkeling in India’s Andaman Islands on April 28. Family and friends of Lauren Failla are angry because there were no warning signs or saltwater crocodile advisories at the resort at which she stayed.

According to MSNBC reports, there have been 24 crocodile attacks in the islands in the past 25 years, four of which were fatal. Saltwater crocodiles are behemoths that can grow to 20 feet in length and weigh more than a ton.

Failla recently finished her master’s degree in art at Sotheby’s Art Institute in London.

Lauren’s sister, Emily, was also in her mid-20s when she died in a rock-climbing accident in Washington State.



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