912 Project Birthday

Do you still remember the 912 Project, the one organized by Tea Party and 912 groups? The 9-12 Project just turned a year older. And what’s the latest? Here is a post from the editor of the 912 site.

It was 52 weeks ago that Glenn stood in front of the Fox News cameras to announce the 9/12 Project. This site launched and was immediately crushed by an avalanche of interest from you. Over 50,000 hits per second fried a bank of servers for most of the weekend. Each time we managed to migrate the data and relaunch, you did it again. THANK YOU FOR THE SLEEPLESS WEEKEND.

We understood what this outpouring of interest meant – There was a glaring need for America to return to basic Principles and Values. And we did not require you to agree with everything on the list. Glenn stated that if you only supported 7 of the 9 Principles (and you get to pick which 7), then you stood with us. No matter what your party affiliation – if you are a proud 9/12er, you are one of us.

We offered reading lists – you made those books best-sellers. We suggested news stories to help keep you abreast of the vital issues – you made those issues bigger and your voices have created a dialogue with Washington DC that has not been this active since the 1960s. Well Done!

The days, weeks, months and years ahead will all be better if we realize that Principles and Values matter. And if we stick to these Principles and Values and work to restore honor in ourselves and demand the same from our elected officials, then no problem is too great and America has a bright future ahead.

Many of you have heard me say that this project, this mission is really about the truth. My personal mantra is “TRUTH HAS NO AGENDA.” The truth does not need to be defended. It is it’s own defense.



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