3 Things You Can Do Each Day to Combat Climate Change

It’s hard to go anywhere without hearing about climate change, or global warming, or the warnings we’ve been given about what could happen to the planet if big changes aren’t made quickly. 

The statistics surrounding climate change are staggering. Unless major changes are made both on an individual and collective level, the earth could find itself in a dire situation very soon. 

Thankfully, experts and researchers alike are continuing to do work to educate people on the effects of climate change. Things like environmental monitoring using deuterium compounds for chemical research, looking at statistics, and monitoring the temperature of the earth and CO2 emissions are all ways to help us learn more about what we can do to deal with climate change. 

It starts at home. Even small changes you make in your own life can have an impact on climate change, and it’s easier than you might think. With that in mind, let’s look at three ways you can combat climate change every day. 

1. Save Energy at Home

By making small changes in how you use energy at home, you’ll not only be combating climate change, but you can also save on your utility bills, too. 

It’s easy to make small switches. Speaking of, make sure you turn the light off when you leave a room! Other changes you can make include: 

  • Taking shorter showers
  • Keeping your HVAC system well-maintained
  • Installing energy-efficient appliances
  • Using LED light bulbs

You can get the whole family involved in saving energy at home by turning it into a game. For example, see who can take the shortest shower each week. The person who does gets to choose a fun activity over the weekend. 

2. Reduce Plastic Consumption

Plastic is a huge problem. While it’s useful for many things, it takes 1000 years for it to decompose, and it uses a lot of energy to make. 

You probably use plastic more often than you realize each day. But, a few simple changes can reduce how much plastic you rely on. Try using your own canvas grocery bags each time you go shopping instead of disposable plastic ones. If you drink from water bottles, invest in a washable, reusable one instead of tossing plastic ones in the trash each day. 

It’s also a good idea to opt for sustainable packaging whenever possible. So many things are packaged and shipped in plastic, so try to support companies who are doing their best to create more sustainable, environmentally-friendly packaging. 

3. Travel With Care

Air travel makes up about 2% of all CO2 emissions across the globe. Traveling in your car every day also releases carbon emissions into the air. It’s important to be conscious about your travel options each day, and make smarter choices for the environment. 

Carpool with others when you can, or walk/ride your bike to work on nicer days. If you have to travel somewhere by plane, using carbon offsetting to reduce the impact your trip has on the environment. 

You might think that small changes made by one person can’t make a difference. But, if everyone made just a few small changes, the impact of global warming would be far less of a threat.

Credit: Free-to-Use Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash



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