Getting on The Road to a Better You

Taking care of your health is essential, there are no two ways about it. It also seems that less and fewer people are taking the necessary time to ensure that is as healthy as possible. It is far too easy to get caught up in the daily cycle of sleep, work, eat, work and sleep some more. It won’t take long before your mind and body will start showing signs of protest. It can take a couple of minutes a day to turn this around. And, before you begin any regiments speak to your doctor, they’re going to give you the best advice to get you fit and healthy without risking the need for a wrongful death attorney. After all, it is in everyone’s best interest that the population are as healthy as possible.

Here are a few tips to get you started on the road to a better you.

More of the population is diagnosed with depression every day. How we live now is very different to years gone by. We get less exercise, we don’t spend as much time outdoors, and we are indeed much more attached to technology than we have ever been. There is something of a buzz at the moment, and it has been for a few years, and that is green therapy. Green therapy is the simple act of getting out of the city, and seeking some fresh air and being surrounded by nature. Green as a color stimulates the feeling of tranquility and peace – which can help soothe a busy mind. Getting outside at least once a day, not just to work, or the shop can make a massive difference to you. Anxiety can often make this much harder to complete – so if you have a garden, try going out there for a few minutes.

Writing. Keeping a journal, or just space where you can write can make a massive difference to how you feel. Writing is a very therapeutic activity, and within a few minutes of ‘free writing,’ you might find that a few problems that have been troubling you feel a little bit lighter. You might choose to write down the positive things that have happened each day, or use it to write the negative and set it aside. Keeping the journal near your bed, and making it part of your evening routine means that you will be winding down properly. Rather than scrolling through Facebook or Instagram for hours, and waking up tired again. You might feel like the evenings are for reading, so instead move the journal to the morning slot. Get up a little bit earlier and perhaps write down some intentions for the day.

Start prepping your food. The chances are unless you work in the travel or hospitality sector you have weekends free. And, the likelihood is that you are not making the most of that free time. Eating right, are the building blocks to ensure a healthy mind and body. However, it isn’t always easy to make sure you are eating the right things. Sometimes, work runs over, or we are just too tired to cook something nutritious. Here is where spending a few hours on the weekend on your food prep will revolutionize your week. It doesn’t matter if you are a dedicated carnivore or if you are veggie or vegan. You can prep and freeze a stash of great meals. If you don’t have access to a microwave at work, perhaps you would like to make some more fresh food. In which case with a couple of Tupperware tubs, and a value pack of lettuce leaves and extras you can create fresh salads for a week. Pasta a rice dishes also last a few days.

This one will come as no surprise. But, getting enough good quality sleep is very important. During our sleep, our body repairs and reboots ready for another day. If you are always staying up too late, you will be feeling the crunch of a sleep deficit. While you will never get those lost hours back, you can make a choice to go to bed earlier from now on. When you are a busy working professional, especially those who are working night shifts or late nights, we just don’t give ourselves enough time to rest. However, a well-rested body and mind can accomplish great things, so if you don’t feel like meal prep and getting that great fresh air, at least get some more rest.

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