Shortcut to Access Your Bluehost Email or Webmail Account
If you own a website, most likely you also have a personal email account. If you are under, one way to access the email is to log-in via your bluehost access account, go to your cPanel interface, and then open the email from there. That, of course, is the long way. The fastest and the shortcut takes only three steps.
Steps for logging into webmail
Step 1: Go to (Make sure to replace with your actual domain name.)
Step 2: In the page that appears, enter your username and password, and then click OK. (This step assumes that you already created your email account via bluehost cPanel.)
User Name: Enter your full email address, all lower case
Password: Enter your email address’ password
Step 3: That’s about it. You should now be logged in!
Note: In case you’ll be presented with three options after logging-in: Horde, Roundcube, and SquirrelMail, just pick any one of them. These are different webmail clients, with their own look and feel, that can be used for sending and reading email.