Judson McMillin “Sex Video” Caused Republican Congressman To Resign
Congressman Judson McMillin, the second-highest ranking Republican in the state’s House of Representatives, quit Tuesday a week after he sent a text message to several people apologizing for “anything offensive” they may have received from his stolen phone.
According to FOX 59, a sexually explicit video was sent from his cell phone via a text message.
The message McMillin sent out last week may have been done without his permission. “My phone was stolen in Canada and out of my control for about 24 hours,” the text message said. “I have just been able to reactivate it under my control. Please disregard any messages you received recently. I am truly sorry for anything offensive you may have received.”
Here’s the latest post he wrote on Wednesday:
“I make mistakes. When I do, regardless of how big or small they are, I do my best to admit them, own up to it, and then start doing my best to remedy them. That’s what I am doing right now with my family. With that being said I will never understand the need for some people to spew hatred. I hope it makes those people feel better about themselves because there is no other discernable benefit. What a sad place for society to be. On the other hand, I am constantly amazed at how good hearted so many people are. The outpouring of support I have received from so many gives me faith and hope in humanity as a whole. To those who choose this path, I encourage you to maintain your approach not only towards those you agree with and like, but towards those you disagree with as well. This is the only approach that can possibly help make the world a better place.”
Has anyone seen the alleged sex video?