Who Won 2014 Little League World Series Title
The 2014 Little League World Series ended last weekend, August 24th. So who won the 2014 Little League World Series title?
South Korea captured the 2014 Little League World Series title, knocking off a team from Jackie Robinson West LL in Chicago, Illinois, 8-4 in the title game. The Chicago team had beaten a team from Nevada in the U.S. Championship game, while South Korea ousted Japan.
The Little League World Series is an international baseball tournament held for players between the ages of 11 and 13 and run by Little League Baseball Inc. The tournament is held annually in August in South Williamsport, Pa., and broadcast nationally on ESPN.
The tournament began in 1947, and through 2014, the United States has won the most titles with 33.
In 2013, the team from Japan won the title, beating California in the championship game, 6-4.