Stoning Adulterers in Afghanistan Being Written Into Afghan Law Again (VIDEO)
Afghan government officials have proposed reintroducing public stoning as a punishment for adultery, Human Rights Watch said.
“Men and women who commit adultery shall be punished based on the circumstances to one of the following punishments: lashing, stoning [to death],” states article 21 of a draft of the new penal code.
Article 23 of the draft, being drawn up by the ministry of justice, specifies that the stoning should be public.
Unmaried adulterers would face 100 lashes under the changes.
The revision would need to be approved by parliament and the president of Afghanistan for it to become law. Under current laws, adulterers face long prison terms.
In Afghanistan, an extremely conservative Muslim country, extramarital sex and sex before marriage are taboo and can lead to bloody conflicts between families.
Stoning was widely practised during the years of Taliban rule, and is used in areas still controlled by the movement. In July last year, a 21-year-old woman was stoned to death in a Taliban-controlled village just 60km north of Kabul.
Related video: At the Muslim Peace Conference in Norway when asked if Moslems in attendance agreed with stoning people for adultery all hands went up. When asked if they believed in separation between men and women, all hands went up.