Marines ‘Girly’ Hats For A More Universal Cover (PHOTO)
They call it the Marines ‘girly’ hats. A New York post wrote that Pres. Obama initiated a plan to create a “unisex” look for the Marine Corps. Part of the planned change is a new unisex covers or hats. Currently, male and female Marines wear gender-specific caps.
True, the Uniform Board is currently seeking feedback from both active-duty members and reservists on whether or not to adopt a universal cover. Voting ends on Friday, and the Uniform Board will convene on Oct. 29 to consider the results. However, according to the article, the new version of the hat is so “girly” that it “would make the French blush”.
Marine Corps head Gen. James Amos will make the final decision.
Update: The Marines have spoken saying that the story is untrue.
In an email, Marine Corps officials said there is no truth to reports that President Obama is behind the potential change.
“The president in no way, shape or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover,” according to the Marine Corps statement. “We are looking for a new cover for our female Marines for one overriding reason: The former manufacturer went out of business. … The Marine Corps has zero intention of changing the male cover.”
And why change the cover? The manufacturer of the women’s “bucket cover” – which has a distinctly different shape than the men’s cover – is going out of business and will not continue to make the cap, according to the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps also has been asked by the DoD to find a unisex option for a dress and service cover, Marines said.