International Talk Like A Pirate Day and Pirate Translator
Today, September 19, 2013 is the International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Translate your sentences into a pirate’s mood and get those pirate sayings and pirate phrases running for the whole day today! Don’t know any pirate word? No problem. I provided a link below for your Pirate translator.
You can start with this:
How are you – Ahoy, how be you Gar.
How is your day – Aye, how is your day Aye, me parrot concurs.
You look lovely – Arrr, you look lo’ely Gar, Where can I find a bottle o’rum?
I am a pirate – Ahoy, me am a pirate Gar, Where can I find a bottle o’rum?
You are stupid – Arrr, you be Aye.
Pirate translator is here.