A&M Freshman Killed In Car Crash in New Mexico
A Texas A&M freshman died on a car crash Monday evening on U.S. 550 near Cuba, N.M., about 85 miles north of Albuquerque. Texas A&M said Tuesday that freshman Polo Manukainiu was among three people killed.
Manukainiu’s friend, and a Utah recruit Gaius ”Keio” Vaenuku were also killed.
New Mexico State Police spokesman Emmanuel T. Gutierrez said that the group, 5 of them, was inside the 2002 Toyota Sequoia when it drifted off the sagebrush-lined highway. The driver over-corrected, causing the vehicle to lose control and roll several times.
The driver, Siaosi Salesi, and his father, Salesi Uhatafe survived the accident and only had minor injuries.
Manukainiu had apparently traveled to Salt Lake City for some relaxation, tweeting Sunday: ”It’s always good to get away from the Texas Heat for the weekend. Utah got that breezeeeeeee.”
On Monday, hours before the accident, he tweeted: ”22 hour drive back to Texas on no sleep. Oh my.”