Exotic Animals as Main Dish in Tampa Taco Fusion Menu

Lion MeatFor those of you eating your morning cereal, you may want to put your spoon down for this story — exotic animals as main dish in the Tampa Taco menu!

No surprise that more and more restaurants are adding exotic dishes to their menus these days. One place in Tampa, Florida is taking things to a whole new level and feeling the heat for their wild tacos.

Taco Fusion, the pride of Tampa, well, sort of, began offering tacos filled with fresh lion meat earlier this week. The move hasn’t exactly been a roaring success.

The offering is being mauled by some animal lovers, mostly online. “Coming in to the establishment and throwing punches and things like that, they’ll bomb up, blow us up, I mean just silly, ridiculous statements,” said Bradley Barnett the Taco Fusion manager.

Instead of stopping, Barnett decided to sell even more lions, which is endangered but legal to sell and eat in the U.S. “I just got a shipment yesterday of 50 more pounds of lion meat,” says Barnett.

How much does lion meat cost a pound? 220 bucks.

Lion isn’t the only main attraction in the restaurant. Ostrich, otter and bison can all also be found on the menu of this noah’s ark of exotic cuisine — where lions may be the kings of the jungle but camels are the kings of the kitchen.



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