First Time For Mormons To Have Woman Leading Prayer (Full Text)

Mormon-conferenceFor the first time in 183 years after the founding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a woman led a public prayer at the worldwide Mormons General Conference on Saturday. The 2-minute historic prayer was given by Jean A. Steven, first counselor in the LDS Church’s Primary general presidency.

Many believers could not contain their emotions and cried. Others were thrilled and excited.

Below is the full text of the prayer delivered by Jean A. Steven.

“Our beloved Father in Heaven. We come before thee at the conclusion of this magnificent opening session of our General Conference, and we do so with an expression of our love for thee, and our great gratitude for the gifts thou hast given us, most importantly the gift of thy son Jesus Christ, our savior and redeemer.

“We are grateful for the restoration of the gospel, and with it the blessings of priesthood power, temple covenants, scriptures, and living apostles and prophets. We are grateful this day for President Thomas S. Monson, our beloved prophet. We pray for him. We support him and love him, as we do his counselors, the members of the Quorum of the Twelve, and all who labor to assist in this great work.

“We are so very grateful for the inspiring words and messages we’ve received, and the beautiful music that has all contributed to what we have felt this day. And as we come to a close of this session of conference, we pray that thy spirit will abide with us, and that we may take with us an increased faith and hope in Jesus Christ, a more certain witness of his redeeming love and his great atoning sacrifice, and a deeper conversion to living and sharing his gospel.

“We offer this prayer in humility and in the sacred name of thy son, Jesus the Christ. Amen.”

— Jean A. Stevens, benediction to first session of General Conference, April 6, 2013



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