Pat Boone Calls Obama Marxist on Neil Cavuto FBN Show (VIDEO)
Actor and singer Pat Boone unleashed a whole boatload of that sort of embarrassing talk while appearing on Neil Cavuto’s FBN show last night.
What started out as a fairly standard segment about President Obama’s broken promises on a variety of economic platforms turned into six minutes of Boone holding up a copy of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radical, decrying the president has been trained to be a “Marxist” who is dead-set on destroying the American economy and turning it into a shared misery paradise.
“Here is where we can have a different point of view,” the clear-headed Cavuto hesitated. “I assign many motives to him: one being not the sharpest economic tool in the shed, probably the worst.” In an attempt to bring the conversation back to somewhat serious analysis, the host then tried to ask Boone — an entertainer — to comment on whether the president will actually make any spending cuts.
Boone’s response was pretty generic for a minute or two, because he once again launched into an anti-Alinsky rant. “Listen, have you read this book Rules for Radicals?” he asked like that super-conservative uncle who whispers to you about birtherism at family gatherings.
Cavuto said he has read it (commie!), but then cautioned to Boone that did not “want to go down the alley” because of how “strongly” the singer feels about Obama’s supposed Marxism.
“You don’t even have to assign those motives to him to assign some very big question marks to his economic stewardship,” Cavuto suggested.
“But there has to be some reasoning for why he does what he does,” Boone persisted, simply unwilling to accept that perhaps Obama is just a regular ol’ academic liberal who believes government should play a larger role than conservatives do.
“I think he’s a smart guy, this is just a weak area for him,” Cavuto said of Obama’s economic understanding.
“I think he’s a brilliant guy, and I think he knows what he’s doing, and he’s doing it by design because he has a plan,” Boone said, clearly disregarding Cavuto’s caution. “He thinks it’s good for America — virtually socialist nation in which nobody gets rich, government is in charge of everything.”
Mocking Boone’s overblown rhetoric, Cavuto joked: “He’s just going after you, Pat.”
But the joke rang true to Boone, who donned his metaphorical tinfoil hat and agreed: “I am a target. I was on his enemy’s list in the first year of his presidency,” he said… referring to a “leak” of the president’s “secret enemies list” released by the ever-trustworthy tabloid The Globe.
Look, as a libertarian, I am no fan of the president’s. But the constant harping on the belief that he kneels nightly before a statue of Karl Marx and reads Saul Alinsky to his daughters at bedtime is a really knuckle-draggy way to engage what is really just a battle of ideas.
Obama isn’t some Marxist madman intent on “destroying the family” and ruining America, as many right-wing commentators would have you believe — he’s just a well-intentioned do-gooder liberal who believes bigger government is the solution to many problems. He happens to be wrong about that.
But ascribing such pernicious motives to his policymaking is never going to win new converts… but it will get you TV and radio time.
Watch below, via Fox Business Network: