No Black Nurses Lawsuit Filed Against Hurley Medical Center
A nurse, Tonya Battle,49, is suing Hurley Medical Center over allegations of discrimination.
A lawsuit filed against Hurley claims she found a note in a patient’s file stating, “No Black American nurse to take care of baby.”
According to court documents, Battle, a veteran of the neonatal intensive care unit and a nearly 25-year employee, was caring for a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit when the baby’s father asked to speak with a supervisor. The lawsuit states he told the nurse in charge that he didn’t want any African Americans taking care of his baby, then he pulled up a sleeve showing a tattoo believed to be a Swastika.
The lawsuit states the baby was re-assigned to another nurse.
I am the only black medical assistant student in Joplin,Mo & they are trying to bully me into quitting while I am making excellent grades,so I can see this happening how they are trying to prevent me from Graduating & octor’s office,I have never seen a black person work at the hospital here. I am looking for help now!
just my opinion . those nurses should leave the man alone its his child he has a right to his own personal opinion, if he doesnt want a black nurse then stay the hell l away, that is his civil right, i am biracial, and i know a black nurse that mfk is crazy as hell and one psychotic, i would rather go to a white neighborhood where the hospital treats you like you are suppose to i know a black nurse who goes, to my church that motherfker crazy, she do shit to people where she work on purpose and intentionally hurt them, like give them medicines they are allergic to on purpose, not around give blood transfusions, mixed up shit, because she knows them from church and she jealous of them, that motherfkr sits up and turns her head around like the exocist in church make faces and likes her tongue out at people while the preacher preaching, that one crazy mfkr, yeah i am considered black buti rather go to white hospital in a all white neighborhood, where you know you going to get treated
If you don’t want a black nurse to care for your new born then don’t have a baby where black nurses care for new born babies.
The worse care I ever recieved was at St Lukes in Milwaukee and you guessed it. Whish I made this demand and she wasnt even talked to about it becouse “she is a GOOD NURSE and would never do anything like that. And now becouse she did so little work there is no paper trail due to lack of her nursing skills. Id call the man “Father of the century” for looking out for his child. It seems that there is a problem with the training that they recieve becouse they always play the race card and the instructors are scared to give them a true grade!!!