Student Put In Bad Kid Box As Punishment For Bad Behavior

photoA high school student, Caleb, was put in ‘bad kid’ box because his history teacher thinks it is the best way to punish a bad behavior! Beth Dean and Jeff Richards, the parents of the 15-year-old kid are angry, saying the history teacher at Parkersburg High School, West Virginia humiliated their son, who happens to have Asperger’s Syndrome and is being managed with medication.

Dean said to Parkersburg News and Sentinel, “Instead of sending him out of the room or any other myriad of options, she fashioned a large cardboard box and placed the box around his seat, completely enclosing him, in front of 30 of his peers.” According to Dean, Caleb Richards was left in the box for approximately 15 minutes.

“This did not help and destroyed the years of counseling and encouragement we have provided to make sure he has a good self-image,” she added.

Dean and Richards want some accountability for the teacher’s actions.

“The educators need to be educated,” she said.

“We want a change in policy. Accountability,” Richards said.

“Then we should be on the same page,” Goots said.

The principal declined to discuss dealing with the teacher in question, citing personnel issues.



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