Free eCards Mothers Day

Avail of the free ecards on Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is May 8th, and the Los Angeles Jewish Home is here to help with your Mothers Day celebration.

Send a message to the special mother, or mothers, in your life, with a free Mother’s Day e-Card. Like all of the Home’s holiday e-Cards, the greetings feature original artwork by Jewish Home residents and a place for your personal message. Even if you’re sending a traditional card, why not include an e-Card message as well? To view this year’s selection of Mother’s Day e-Cards, please visit our website at

On Sunday, May 8, 2011, carrying on the honored Jewish Home tradition, the Home will host the seventeenth annual Largest Mother’s Day Celebration in the World. This heartwarming event honors mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and great-great-grandmothers with a festive brunch.

Entertainment will include live music, dancing, arts and crafts activities for children, and clowns for everyone’s enjoyment. The Mother’s Day Celebration will be held on the Home’s Grancell Village and Eisenberg Village campuses, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Admission is $20 for adults and $8 for children between the ages of five and eleven. There is no charge for children under five and Jewish Home residents. For reservations and more information about this heartwarming event, please visit our website at , call (818) 774-3324, or email

Founded in 1912, the Los Angeles Jewish Home is one of the foremost multi-level senior living communities in the United States and the largest single-source provider of senior housing in Los Angeles. In total, the Home annually serves more than 1,700 seniors through our extraordinary continuum of services. Each year, more than 1,200 women and men are cared for in-residence on two village campuses, with services including independent living accommodations, residential care, skilled nursing care, short-term rehabilitative care, acute psychiatric care, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia care, and palliative care. Another 500 seniors are served through the Home’s community-based programs, which includes Skirball Hospice and community clinics. The Home is a nonprofit organization that relies upon donations from individuals, corporations and foundations to continue its remarkable work. Further information regarding the Home can be found online at or by calling (818) 757-4407.

SOURCE Los Angeles Jewish Home


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