Devil Movie Spoilers

For those who do not want any Devil movie spoiler, then you should not continue reading. The spoilers you are about to read below are posted at by those who have watched the movie.

From: Kofi Outlaw

The ending is this: The detective who ends up investigating the case is a guy who lost his wife and kid after a drunk driver hit them.

The people in the elevator are all people with serious sins hanging over them. One is a Thug/contract killer, one is a thief, one is a black widow scam artist, one is businessman who stole from people…and one is the drunk driver that killed the cop’s family (the big twist).

The Devil is actually the old lady. She fakes her death in the middle of the film and reveals herself at the end (a predictable twist).

The point of the story is that if there is a devil there is god. They both are at work bringing these people all together – the devil wants the souls of the sinners, and god wants them to redeem themselves. The drunk driver guy is the last to go and as the devil comes for him he confesses his sins and accepts his punishment. God accepts his repentance and so the Devil cannot take him.

The cop (who lost his faith) comes face to face with the man he’s hated and accepts god back into his heart by forgiving the man. Faith restored.


All in all, it’s not what you expect it to be and ends on a note of hope.

From falafel magnet:

The basic deal is- NONE of the actual people in the elevator are ”the devil”.

The woman who in the end manifests the devil after her death was along with everyone else simply a bad person, who stole peoples wallets.

So, the story doesnt really make any sense, in that any of these people could be ”punished” without the elevator concept, which is basically pointless to the take.

The ”devil” seems to only be taking over the body of whichever bad person suits it, as was the case with the old lady- she has a drivers license and prior persona, so she is not literally ”the devil” anymore than anyone else on the elevator.

None of it really makes any sense at all, except maybe that the whole thing was some sort of contest in between good/evil to see if the detective could redeem his faith on god or not.


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  1. Paul


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