ABS Wins Asia Classification Society Award

ABS is honored to have been selected as the recipient of the Classification Society Award at the recent Seatrade Asia Awards 2010 ceremony in Singapore. Seatrade’s Asia Awards program was first initiated in 2008 to raise the profile of maritime development across Asia and to underscore excellence in the fields of innovation; safety and quality; social and environmental responsibility; enterprise and achievement, together with education and training. Accepting the award on the class society’s behalf was Thomas Tan, ABS Regional Vice President, Southern Pacific.

ABS also sponsored the Environment Protection Award at the ceremony for new technology or significant improvements to existing technology that can reduce or prevent marine and atmospheric pollution or assist in the cleanup of same, including emergency response strategies. Singapore-based Jenjosh Marine Services, a proponent of the cleaner-burning compressed natural gas (CNG) in shipping, received the award.

Additionally, ABS Nautical Systems (NS) was named a finalist for the Technical Innovation Award for its Hull Inspection program. A web-based software tool, the Hull Inspection program has been viewed as a service that can potentially improve the efficiency of ship operations by providing owners and operators with up-to-date information on the structural condition of the vessels in their fleet.



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