NJ School Budget Vote 2010 Results
Since yesterday, the heat was on as to the 2010 NJ School Budget vote 2010 results. Will the majority of budgets proposed by Gov. Chris Christie be defeated by voters? Under Gov. Chris Christie’s proposed state budget, schools would get less money from the state and federal governments. Most districts are planning layoffs and tax increases.
Christie said layoffs can be avoided if teachers agree to freeze their salaries and start contributing to their health insurance premiums. He said voters should reject budgets where teachers have not made those concessions.
Unofficial results of the voting are in, Wednesday morning, posted by wcbstv.com. New Jersey voters turned down a little more than half – 54 percent – of the school budgets up for consideration.
In districts where the budgets did not pass, local governments can now either trim them with recommended changes or ignore voters, and leave them as is.
Almost all of the proposed budgets called for homeowner property tax increases and moderate to drastic staffing and resource cuts within the schools.
But over the last several weeks, the issue of school budgets became infused with accusations of below the belt tactics, politics, and misdirection between Governor Chris Christie and union officials.