Constance McMillen Wants a Tuxedo – Itawamba Agricultural High School Says No
What is wrong in attending a prom in tuxedo and being a lesbian? Nothing. But Itawamba Agricultural High School officials are seeing the opposite. So they decided to cancel the prom because Constance McMillen, a lesbian, sought to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo. Damn!
Prom off after lesbian’s date request
The Itawamba County school district’s board decided Wednesday to drop the prom because of what it called recent distractions but without specifically mentioning the girl’s request, which was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.
The student, 18-year-old high school senior Constance McMillen, said the cancellation was retaliation for her efforts to bring her girlfriend, also a student, to the April 2 dance.
“A bunch of kids at school are really going to hate me for this, so in a way it’s really retaliation,” McMillen told The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson. Calls to McMillen by The Associated Press late Wednesday went unanswered.
School policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The ACLU of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy, arguing that banning same-sex prom dates violated McMillen’s constitutional rights.
Instead, the school board met and issued a statement announcing it wouldn’t host the event at Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, “due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events.”
Constance is right, school board is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Oh boy the school district really did it by denying this young adult her constitutional rights in several instances. Sue the bastards for that shameful stance. Unfortunately the school district cannot be sued for stupidity or they’d get it with both barrels.
How about we do something FAIR and let everyone that wants to go to THAT PROM vote on it? Sound fair?
Yeah … I didn’t think so, because this is a case where we want to push a gay-agenda issue off on everyone … isn’t that what the ACLU wants to do — force the majority to accept the minority lifestyle.
BTW … Why does she insist on calling herself a Christian? We’re all sinners, same-sex lifestyle is no more right, wrong, worse than any other sin … but it’s so obvious to anyone really concerned with the Truth to understand what the Bible says on the subject. Christ was all about forgiveness … He just required one thing first, repentance.
Repentance is when we agree with God about what He defines as right and wrong, adopt His view ( not mine or yours … the one in the Bible, without super deep personal spins on interpretation … you know, just the plain truth ), and devote our lives to struggling to live the lifestyle that the Bible describes to be correct.
Human thinking says that we ought to have same-sex orientation. The Bible teaches that’s wrong. One of these things is right and the other is wrong. Which one? Well … I guess that depends on whether you want human thinking or godly thinking.
The point is, if she want to have same-sex lifestyle … what else is new … you live in America, But why call yourself a Christian? Does the ACLU and pro gay agenda really believe they can cause God to change His mind on how He designed us? I understand an atheist saying: “God’s not real, and human logic says people should have freedom to choose sexual orientation”. What I don’t understand is someone saying: “God’s real, He exist, and I’m a Christian … but I’m gay … and I do not see the Bible being against that”. Please, just read what it says … somethings are hard to interpret … homosexuality is not one of those hard-to-interpret issues from scripture.
How glad I live in Europe in a free and tolerant society.
Poor America acting and discussing about homesexuality in such a barbarous way!
Wow…glad I live in Canada where we can legally marry and live as free people, and not be censored/edited in our daily lives, as our “south of the border” cousins are. Time to catch up to the rest of the world.
Good morning America! I just read the news that a high school student has been prevented from celebrating her graduation by the School Board’s decision not to allow her to bring her date…because they are lesbian. Well, how terribly Christian of you. A very fine Christian friend of mine has pointed out many times that Christ’s teachings contain NO proscriptions against same-sex relationships…and if one is Christian, those teachings, and not the Bible as a whole which we should follow. I graduated from high school 53 years ago and remember a young chap who killed himself when he was fifteen because he did not fit in (for similar reasons). I have known other individuals, who have ended their lives or tried to, because they were treated so horribly by ‘Christians’. I wouldn’t use the term, because it is now associated with all manner of vile stuff. I will say, that I am heterosexual, many years married, have children, and attempt to follow Christ’s teachings. A Canadian friend of the forlorn…and my best wishes to all who are supporting Constance McMillen.
America sucks!!! How about we all just walk naked anywhere in public if we desire to do so. If it makes anyone uncomfortable too bad, suckit up and don’t complain, even if the person is fat and unpleasent, to bad cause we should just let everyone be who and what they want to be right? Where in the Bible does it say you can not walk around naked. How about having sex while waiting for the bus on a bench. How dare you say that is not o.k. Nowhere in the bible does it say you can’t do that. How dare you people discriminate those who wish to do so. If I want to urinate in the street it’s o.k cause the bible doesn’t say not to do so. right?
Whether objection to homosexuality is expressed as religious faith, or some other resistance to difference, like racism, it is, ironically, so fiercely felt because it is entirely the product of imagination. Religion (for example) is evidence to the fact that people are capable of believing anything at all. Being a fabrication means that any question threatens to dissolve the conviction into smoke–to expose it as a lie.
errrm this is prettty funny all i got too say is same sex marriage is a sin and she has no proof the school closed just cause of her
This school is just so damn hypocritical. I went to its website, and this is what you see on the front page:
“The mission of IAHS is to involve school, familes, and community in enabling students to be responsible and productive citizens of an ever changing world by providing academic and technological programs in a learning environment that is safe, orderly, empowering, and challenging.”
I love it… “…enabling students to be responsible and productive citizens of an ever changing world…” Ever changing world you say? Then accept the fact that there are homosexuals and learn to live with them, homophobic idiots… Teach your students some values and UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT the differences.
“…learning environment that is safe, orderly, empowering, and challenging.” Because the school cancelled prom solely because of this lesbian girl, it created a complete hazardous environment for her. No, not just in the school, but in the damn local area. Way to gooooooooooo.
Oh, and this is supposedly a message from the principal of IAHS:
“On behalf of the faculty and staff at Itawamba Agricultural High School, I would like to welcome each and everyone of you back for another great school year. I hope your summer was awesome and that you are ready to get to work. Our main goal for this year, is to ensure than every student is given the opportunity to earn a quality education in a safe learning environment. We have a lot of great things happening at IAHS. We will strive to improve everyday. To the parents and community, “We thank you for all your continual support. If we all work together, I have no doubt that this school year will go down as one of the best ever at IAHS.”
Probably wanna change your message now, Mr. Principal. Something along the lines of “Our main goal for this year is to ensure that every student is given the opportunity to earn a quality education in a safe learning environment… except for homosexuals.” “I have no doubt that this school year will go down as one of the best ever at IAHS, if we all work together… Unless I decide to treat homosexuals differently, which I will do.”