NBC Black History Month Menu
All NBC wanted was to bring the Black History Month celebration to its cafeteria with it NBC Black History Month Menu. But, not everyone was impressed, including Questlove, the drummer for the Roots who took a picture and posted the snapshot on Twitter.
Underneath the picture he included the caption “Hmm HR?” – signaling that he may have been offended by the idea that Black History Month should be honored with fried chicken and collard greens. Some of his 1.3 million followers agreed, posting comments like “They wrong…Somebody get Al Sharpton on the phone” – while others didn’t see the big deal, writing “It is a representation of Black food historically.”
Within two hours, the menu was taken down. NBC apologized for and removed a sign in a network cafeteria.
Kevin Goldman, NBC’s vice president of communications, tweeted: “The sign in the NBCU cafeteria has been removed. We apologize for anyone who was offended by it.”
Chef Leslie Calhoun explains the NBC Black History Month Menu: