Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology – Announcement
Errors Discovered in TJHSST Admissions Test
During testing of eighth grade applicants to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) on Saturday, December 5, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) discovered printing errors in some of the test booklets used for the admissions test. Over 3,000 students were part of the testing on Saturday. The tests are developed and supplied by Pearson, which also scores the tests.
In a statement released today, Pearson representatives say the company “regrets any inconvenience this printing issue has caused students and has agreed to provide a replacement test for all students applying for admission to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.”
FCPS is currently working with Pearson on arrangements to retest all applicants; January 23 is the expected date for the retesting. Information on testing sites for that date will be announced at a later date. Parents of TJHSST applicants are being notified by letter of the irregularities discovered on Saturday and of plans for retesting.
When additional information is available, the school system will provide that information to parents and the public.