Who Every Business Owner Should Have On Speed Dial

Owning a business comes with a whole host of things to manage, from taxes to staff, and the lists needed to keep all that in order. There is also a multitude of individuals that you will be paying, who aren’t necessarily on your payroll. Running a business can raise a whole host of issues for you both personally and in a business sense because without taking care of the former, the latter will surely suffer.


The stresses that come with owning and running a business can be hard, and there is never any shame in admitting that you need to talk about it and ask for some help. Many issues can arise because of finances, new projects, old projects, difficulties of keeping a work to life balance – any aspect of the daily stresses of your work. Find a good counsellor through sites like this https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/ and keep in contact often – you will need them more than you think. It’s also a good idea to have a counsellor ready to help any of your employees if ever they should need them.


As simple and silly as it sounds, having a friend that you can call at any point for any reason on your speed dial is the best idea. Good friends are hard to come by and are sometimes the only thing you need in times of trouble, times of achievement and in times of nothing happening.


Whether it’s a business lawyer, a financial lawyer or a criminal lawyer like this one https://romanolawpc.com/oregon-criminal-defense-attorney-lawyer/ , having one on your speed dial needs to be a top priority. You don’t need to keep one on your payroll constantly, but having a lawyer who you trust and can handle both you’re business and personal affairs is the best option. That way any issue you have on the personal or business side will be weighed against, and dealt with in a way that benefits the other.

Financial Advisor

Most larger businesses will have a financial advisor on their payroll – and if you are a large company and don’t. Then you should. But all businesses worth their salt should be in regular contact with a financial advisor. They will help you built profit, be able to advise you on investments and be able to keep you from making any major mistakes. And if you make one anyway, then they’ll be able to help fix it.

Your Second In Command

You need to have someone prepped and ready to step in when you need a break when your plate is overflowing, or just when things are getting busy. It needs to be someone you trust to run your business as well as you would – or at least, almost as well. You have to take breaks now and again, and you have to delegate work for the health of your mentality, or it won’t just be you that suffers.

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