Tell Tale Signs Of A Great Neighbourhood

Picking a place to live is never easy. There is so much that goes into the decision, and you don’t want to get it wrong. Get it wrong and you might end up in a ‘hood which you despise for years before you can make another move. Such is the hassle and expense of moving from one property to another. The good news is you don’t have to worry any longer. Why you ask? Because the good people at Daily Postal have done a bit of research and found the characteristics of the best neighbourhoods on God’s green earth. All you have to do is look out for the following and you’re onto a winner.


Every neighbourhood has a community of people; otherwise, it would be a ghost town. But, not every neighbourhood has a collection of people that look out for each other’s interests. A sense of community is tough to replicate because humans are selfish. They want to look out for number one and don’t care about anyone else. To form a community, you need to find people that are willing to do their bit for the good of the collective. Any neighbours who seem as if they will do you a favour is a good sign.


No one has ever said ‘this place is great’ of a dump. Instead, they say things like ‘this place is a dump!’ The reason people don’t wax lyrical about dirty towns and cities is everyone always expects cleanliness. Sure, there might be the odd bit of litter, but there shouldn’t be a pile of waste neck high. A family with kids doesn’t want them rooting around in the garbage, while waste also attracts rats with diseases. It looks terrible, it’s a health hazard, and it should never happen in a top class neighbourhood.


Residents don’t just rely on their cars to get them back and forth. Cars are good, but you need additional transport to make life easier. Otherwise, what if you don’t have a car? How are you supposed to get from one place to another? Most neighbourhoods have good transport links, and they’re easy to spot. A bus stop shelter or two is a good place to start because it means the area is on the local transport route. Also, look for train tracks or a train station. Nothing is easier than a train because it is fast and direct. If you’re a commuter, a train link will be imperative.


Good places to live don’t have a high crime rate. A high crime rate isn’t always easy to dissect, but it does have a link to poverty, lack of education, and a lack of prospects. Obviously, a place with such features isn’t a perfect place to call home. No one wants to sound superior, but you don’t want to live in the middle of a war zone where you fear thieves and violence. There will always be some crime, but the best places have the lowest crime rates.

If you spot these features, you know it’s a good place to live.

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