Nutritional Health Benefits of Banana Peels or Skin

banana-peelsWe usually throw away banana peels because we thought they are wastes and cannot be eaten. But many people in other countries are actually eating the peels because of their nutritional health benefits.

So what are the health benefits of banana peels?

The sweet flesh of a medium-sized banana contains significant percentages of your daily recommended intake of various nutrients, such as:

– 12% of your daily fiber, which helps with digestion and may help lower your risk of diabetes
– 17% of your vitamin C, which is important for your immune system as well as growth and development
– 20% of your vitamin B-6, which aids the body’s ability to convert food into energy
– 12% of your potassium, which helps in development of cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body
– 8% of your magnesium, which is important for the body’s energy productions and regulating glucose and blood pressure levels

According to nutritionists, the [skin] of the banana contains high amounts of vitamin B6 and B12, as well as magnesium and potassium. It also contains some fiber and protein.

Eating the peel is not only good for your body but also better for the environment.

See: How Much Protein In Chicken Drumstick Without Skin



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