Full and Complete Dwayne Johnson Skits Saturday Night Live March 28, 2015 Episode (VIDEO)

Watch the full Dwayne Johnson skits as the actor hosted Saturday Night Live, SNL, last night, March 28, 2015.

The Rock Obama
After the actions of Rep. John Boehner (Taran Killam), Sen. Ted Cruz (Bobby Moynihan) and Sen. Tom Cotton (Kyle Mooney) make him lose his cool, President Obama (Jay Pharoah) turns into The Rock Obama (Dwayne Johnson).

Franchise Viagra
Host Dwayne Johnson sings about which Hollywood franchises he’d like to join next with help from Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong, Sasheer Zamata and Aidy Bryant.

New Disney Movie with Dwayne Johnson as Bambi
And he’s OUT FOR REVENGE. This is HILARIOUS. Disney’s latest live action film stars Dwayne Johnson as Bambi, Vin Diesel (Taran Killam) as Thumper, Tyrese Gibson (Jay Pharoah) as Flower and Michelle Rodriguez (Cecily Strong) as Faline.

Improv Show
The writing is kind of weak, but Kate McKinnon as Robert Durst. That’s all you need to know about this skit. Improv group Prince Charmin’ (Aidy Bryant, Pete Davidson, Kyle Mooney, Beck Bennett) draws inspiration for their performance from audience member Robert Durst (Kate McKinnon).

The conversations go as horribly as you’d imagine. Inspired by Starbucks’s Race Together campaign, Pepboys launches its own initiative to encourage employees and customers to discuss gender and sexual identity: Genderflect.

WWE Promo Shoot
Koko WatchOut (Dwayne Johnson) gets a little too personal while trash talking opponent Trashyard Mutt (Bobby Moynihan) during a promo shoot.

Dinner Date
A couple’s (Vanessa Bayer, Kenan Thompson) dinner date turns sour when an old friend (Dwayne Johnson) and his British girlfriend (Cecily Strong) unexpectedly join them.



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