Car Part Removed From Arm After Years Of Being Stuck (VIDEO)

leverLook at this car part removed from arm of 75-year-old Arthur Lampitt of Granite City, Illinois. The 7-inch turn signal lever from the 1963 Thunderbird was stuck in Lampitt’s arm for 51 years!

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Lampitt smashed his 1963 Thunderbird into a truck 51 years ago. He then had an emergency room visit. He never thought something that long was left in his arm until a few weeks ago when the arm began to hurt for the first time.

Dr. Timothy Lang removed the lever Wednesday during a 45-minute operation.

“We see all kinds of foreign objects like nails or pellets, but usually not this large, usually not a turn signal from a 1963 T-Bird,” Lang said. “Something this large often gets infected.”

Lampitt is now recovering from the surgery.




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