Watch Ambiance Movie: Longest Movie Ever Made In The World (Trailer VIDEO)

Ambiance Long Movie

Anders Weberg is hoping to release the “longest movie ever made”, which has an approximate running time of: 720 hours. The first full trailer of the film Ambiance (duration: seven hours and 20 minutes) won’t be released until 2016. A much longer 72-hour trailer is slated for 2018. Weberg plans to release the full film, 30-day-long “film memoir” in 2020.

For now, Weberg has released a 72-minute trailer (yes, a trailer that’s 72 minutes long.)

The current record holder for longest film is said to be “Modern Times Forever,” which is a measly 10 days long.

Ready? Watch the entire 72-minute teaser for ‘Ambiancé’ below:



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