With One Voice Lyrics by Ricky Manalo (Audio)

Here is the full lyrics of the religious/Christian song called “With One Voice” by Ricky Manalo. Listen to the song below via the YouTube audio.

With One Voice Lyrics by Ricky Manalo

1. Take the Word and go out to every land
shine the light of Christ for all to see
May the lives of those we touch
sing praise to God above.
Let us sing, we’ll sing…

With one voice we’ll pass the Word along
with one voice, bring justice to the world.
And with all the angels
we’ll spread the goodness of God.
With all power and glory
the Word of God shall reign.

2. Take the Word to our neighborhoods and streets
shine the light of Christ for all to see
May we all set out to live
in peace and harmony.
They will see and sing…

3. Take the Word to the people in despair
shine the light of Christ for all to see
May our actions and our deeds
bring comfort to their needs.
And they’ll know and sing…

4. Take the Word to the nations everywhere
shine the light of Christ for all to see
May the witness of our lives
transform the world anew.
And we’ll shine, we’ll shine…




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