Does Hot and Cold Contrast Stop a Headache

CompressSo does a hot and cold contrast cure a headache fast? Yes it does.

A hot and cold contrast can work wonders for relieving headaches. All you have to do is put your feet in a bucket or tub of warm water while having a cold compress on your head at the same time. The cold compress causes the blood vessels in your head to constrict, while the warm water helps open up the blood vessels in your lower legs and feet. This causes the blood flow in your head to be diverted down towards your lower body.

When you have a headache, the blood vessels in your head become dilated, so there is more blood pumping. The excess blood pumping through your head is what causes the throbbing pain you typically feel when you have a headache. When you implement a cold and hot contrast you are constricting the blood vessels in your head while increasing blood flow to your lower body. This allows the pain-inducing blood flow to move away from your head down to the lower body, which reduces your pain level.



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