An Error Occurred While Trying To Save or Publish Your Post. Please Try Again. Dismiss


Did anyone of you got this error message “An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Dismiss.”? This error appears when you try to publish on a Blogger-hosted blog. Once it appears, usually in red texts, you cannot do anything to your post. You cannot save it, nor publish it. Even clicking the “Dismiss” won’t help, the message keeps on appearing.


There is a Google forum that has been opened regarding this issue, but still there is no specific answer as to why the message keeps on popping.

Someone suggested to use the Google-owned Chrome browser instead of Firefox, but this seems not the exact solution. I have tried this and it did not work.

Another one suggested to check the internet speed. This one did not work for me because in my workplace where the internet is really fast, the message still keeps on appearing.

So, is this a Google/Blogger server issue?



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