Nemo Snow Totals as Blizzard Blankets Northeast

snow-totalsBlizzard Nemo blanketed the northeast States with high records of snow totals. Below are the numbers provided by the Weather Channel, updated as of 8:30 a.m. Eastern time Saturday.

Peak snow totals by state

Wisconsin: near Kenosha (9″)
Illinois: Beach Park (7″)
Michigan: near Muskegon (15″)
New York: Upton (30.9″)
Pennsylvania: Summit Hill (7″)
New Jersey: River Vale (15″)
Virginia: Haywood (5.1″)
Connecticut: Milford (38″)
Rhode Island: Smithfield (24″)
Massachusetts: Worcester (28.5″)
Vermont: Springfield (16″)
New Hampshire: Farmington (27″)
Maine: Gorham (32.9″)

Other Notable Snow Totals

Milwaukee: 5.8″
Chicago (O’Hare): 1.5″
Grand Rapids, Mich.: 7.2″
Detroit: 2.5″
Buffalo: 5.7″
Syracuse: 6.2″
Albany: 4.8″
New York (Central Park): 11.4″
Newark: 5.9″
Philadelphia: 0.1″
Providence, R.I.: 16.6″
Burlington, Vt.: 9.6″



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