Is Penis Captivus or Vaginal Lock Possible

man-stuckI was actually surprised to read a recent case (January 29, 2013) of penis captivus or vaginal lock that happened in the central part of the Philippines. The woman died when her partner’s genital was locked tight inside hers.

The couple were brought to the hospital but the woman was declared dead on arrival.

Although there was no confirmation of the validity of the case that was first reported on a radio show and then posted online, this could become a real example of penis captivus, which by the way is very rare to occur.

What is penis captivus? It describes a rare occurrence in heterosexual intercourse when the muscles in the vagina clamp down on the penis much more firmly than usual (a form of vaginismus), making it impossible for the penis to withdraw from the vagina.

Now, what about this video? Is this fake?



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